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Medin è il primo video estratto da S/t, il nuovo album dei TRÓNCO.


Il video è stato realizzato da Domiziano Maselli, che oltre ad occuparsi del master dell’album realizzato al Greenhouse Studio di Reykjavík, ha esplorato e girato l’isola riprendendo i paesaggi incredibili islandesi.
In particolare, le immagini usate per il video di Medin dei TRÓNCO, sono riprese della colata lavica del Fagradallsfjall.
La scelta del bianco e nero, l’attenzione per le mille sfaccettature della materia e dei giochi di luce, fanno parte del lavoro di Domiziano da tempo. Il suo percorso come artista visuale si accompagna a quello di musicista e compositore, ultimamente spesso al fianco di Tommaso Rolando, musicista dei TRÓNCO e gestore dell’etichetta Torto Editions.

Il disco esce per una cordata di etichette, oltre a Torto Editions, anche Marsiglia Records (Genova) di Matteo Casari, Ramble Records (Melbourne – Australia) di Michael Sill ed Eremo, etichetta milanese in cui è coinvolto lo stesso Domiziano Maselli.


This is the first full-length by the genovese-based experimental collective TRÓNCO.
Originally live recorded in studio during the summer of 2020,
the album has been mixed by Tommaso Rolando and mastered by Domiziano Maselli.
It’s a collection of seven pieces that are somehow a multidimensional expansion of the same seed, placed in the ground in an ageless period:
a trans-genre and trans-geographic recklessness growth by a wild resonance moving through the body as a spiraloid arrow.
It’s a mutual travel in time and space without moving, a vibrations release generating an unknown landscape, where details slowly skid to a redefinition, as in a very slow sundown where the down fading light constantly changes the visual paradigms of the picture.
The sound patterns are eclectic, including various types of strings, wind instruments, percussion, lexical and non-lexical vocals and some electronics.
The thick texture of the arrangements gives a natural and dynamic vibe to the tracks, underlining the convergence of all the energies to generate “an autonomous entity” that elegantly drifts between acoustic orchestrations, multiple voices tangling together, low frequencies synthesizers and indefinable ambient incursions.

Performed by:

Davide Cedolin – banjo, acoustic guitar, glockenspiel, farfisa organ, percussion, voice
Laurent Charles – tenor and soprano saxophones
Tito Ghiglione – bouzuky, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, clarinet, percussion, voice
Carlos Lalvay Estrada – wood box, noises, voice
Deniz Ozdogan – voice, percussion
Tommaso Rolando – contrabass, synthesizers, glockenspiel, kick drum, sampler, voice
Aleph Viola – cello, electric guitar, percussion, voice

Recorded by Emi Cioncoloni at El Fish Sound Factory in 2020.

Mixed by Tommaso Rolando at Studio Torto – Genova.
Mastered by Domiziano Maselli at Greenhouse Studio – Reykjavik.

Artwork by Carlos Lalvay Estrada.

Link Utili:
Bandcamp – Torto Editions Ramble RecordsEremo Marsiglia Records

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